One Hit From Home

Year: Rating: Length:
2012 NR 99 mins.

S.I.M Rating: 6.18 out of 10   (4 Votes)

Cast: Ronald D. Alcazar, Sarah Blackford, Slav Boston

Movie Description

The 2012 baseball drama, One Hit From Home, relates the story of promising superstar Jimmy Easton, who is on the fast-track to the big leagues when a career-ending knee injury forces a change in plans. Returning home, the fallen hero is confronted with his "win-at-all-costs" past, and as is the case with so many athletic prodigies, learns that he is ill-equipped to deal with them. In an attempt to face his demons head-on, Easton takes on the challenge of managing a college team, and is shocked to see himself (or his "once-" self) in many of his young players. Through patience and maturity, along with a deep faith, Easton learns that by helping others, he alsp helps himself.

One Hit From Home touches all the bases with honest depictions of the importance of family and faith and dealing with life’s unexpected "curve balls."

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